Do Professional Benefit Auctioneers Really Raise More Money For Nonprofits?

If you’re looking to raise more money for your nonprofit a professional auctioneer can greatly help.

Imagine what your nonprofit could do with tens of thousands of dollars more every year.

A benefit auctioneer knows just how to accomplish that goal before and during your event.

Ways that auctioneers raise more money prior to a nonprofit event:

A professional Benefit Auction Specialist will begin their work the minute a consultation begins. They do this in a few ways:

Strategize ways to do audience and donor development throughout the planning process. This requires specific marketing and communication outreach strategies that Benefit Auction Specialists know well.

Help you understand language around leadership momentum gifts that generate energy and inspire giving.

Understand how to look for energy gaps in the run of show. A Benefit Auction Specialist provides effective strategies to gain and keep the rooms full attention throughout the program.

Empower committees to expand their reach and thinking to grow sponsorships prior to the event. This can be accomplished through donor appreciation and procurement parties/events.

Help set knowledgeable live auction starting bids and, even more so, effective starting bids.

A free auctioneer may miss thousands of dollars for a piece of artwork because homework wasn’t done prior to understand the artist and what the most effective bid increments might be to advance the bid.

Provide ideas to the committee on how to maximize funds through revenue enhancer games and ideas, and especially by helping with item procurement.

These are just a few of the ideas benefit auctioneers bring to the table before your event.

Ways that auctioneers raise more money during a nonprofit event:

During your event, the auctioneer knows how to make the best impression on your attendees and get the most money out of the room.

Before fundraising begins, a Benefit Auction Specialist has someone from the organization introduce them to guests as they arrive. This builds rapport and connections prior to going on stage.

A professional auctioneer can fundraise tens of thousands of dollars “fishing” for paddle raise funds. They can understand the room and know when to move on and when to sell a desert for $5,000.

They will know how to call out more than 100 bid cards at the $100 level of the paddle raise so that every recorder doesn’t miss one.

An auctioneer will understand how to empower donors to give again during the paddle raise once they’ve already given.

They will understand the room and create opportunities to double live auction packages that weren’t intended to be doubled.

Professional Benefit Auction Specialists spend a lot of time educating themselves through the National Auctioneers Association.

They collaborate with an extensive network of other fundraising professionals, constantly improving their approach.

These professionals will bring ideas to the table you’ve never heard before. Auctioneers’ techniques, knowledge, education, network, and drive will help you raise more money for your nonprofit.

Ways that Professional Benefit Auctioneers help you get donors to your next auction:

A Benefit Auctioneer Specialist knows that a happy bidder is an active bidder and also a returning bidder.

They will go out of their way to mingle with the bidders and donors before and after the event, and especially go out of their way to thank as many of the successful bidders and donors as they can.

They understand that they are representing the nonprofit that hired them and it is their duty to treat every bidder and donor as a valued patron for that charity.

The bidders and donors deserve our thanks and the utmost respect at all times.