Privacy Policy

Who we are

Benefit Auctions is a Social Enterprise dedicated to helping non-profit organizations.  Our website address is:

We do not ever sell (or rent) access to the very limited data from our customers that we collect.  Such data, primarily email address, is used solely for communication purposes with our customers. If at any time any customer no longer wishes to receive any emails for whatever reason we will happily remove you from our list no questions asked.  We also limit our email communications to matters highly pertinent to our customers, and the majority of which are regarding order fulfilment or other customer service matters.  

Sensitive customer information is not kept on our site.  We utilize AWS (Amazon Web Services) for the cloud hosting of the auction platform. We use Stripe for payment processing.  They are two of the very largest providers in the world for these services.  In 2024 Stripe processed $1 trillion dollars of payments.  We never view, or even have the ability to view, or access in any way, any customer’s financial information eg. credit card info. None of that information is ever stored on our website.  This is for our security and yours.  There is a small trade off in convenience in terms of some of this cybersecurity outsourcing.  But it is more than worth it for your security, our security, and the security of the non-profits that we are helping raise funds.